Learn to play like a pro!  The Recreation and Parks Department offers lesson programs for children and adults as well as a youth team and women's leagues.  All programs are supervisted by our tennis pro staff.  You must be a resident of the Inc. Village of Garden City in order to register.

To see what offerings our Department has for adults, please use the Adult Activities tab above.

Here is an explanation of each children's level offered:

Tots Ages 4-5 and PeeWee - Ages 5 to 7  Introduction to Tennis, emphasizing basic movement and striking skills in a fun game playing environment.

Novice - Ages 6 to 7   Continued development of basic movement and striking skills on a full size court.  Serving and scorekeeping will be introduced.  Past Tennis experience required.

Junior - Ages 8 to 11   Extension of Novice Level program.  Continued emphasis on striking concepts, movement, and skills related to tennis play.

Junior Advanced - Ages 8 to 11 For the more serious, more advanced students.  These lessons are offered in 1 1/2 hr time slots.  Experience required.  Match Play during last 1/2 hour.

Senior - Ages 12 and older - Extension of Junior Program, continued emphasis on fundamentals and skills related to tennis play.

Senior Advanced - Ages 12 and older - For the more serious, more advanced student.  These lessons are offered in 1 1/2 hour time slots.  Experience required.  Ladder participation during last half hour.

Ultimate Workout - for the advanced tennis player.  This is a drill program to hone their establised skills.

Indoor Tennis
Adult Tennis Lessons
Junior Tennis Lessons